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About Me

Over the years, the service has migrated multiple times across different hardware. The aim has always been minimal power consumption and maximum service stability.

Year Event Hardware Platform
2015 Beginning Raspberry Pi 3 Prosody
2016 First upgrade Odroid C2 Prosody
2018 Second Upgrade Intel NUC 7P Prosody
2019 Third upgrade Asus VIVO UN68U Prosody
2020 Fourth Upgrade Supermicro E301-9D-8CN4 Prosody
2022 Fifth Upgrade Oracle Cloud Ejabberd

In the period 2015 - 2018, due to hardware limitations, the service was used as a test platform only in a local network. Another reason is the lack at that time of mature and full-fledged software for implementing XMPP communication.

After the transition from ARM to x86 architecture in 2018, Chatrix.One becomes publicly available. Thanks to the Conversations project, the OMEMO encryption method appears, and XMPP undergoes numerous improvements.

The most significant transition to date took place in 2022, when the service migrated from Prosody to Ejabberd in a cloud virtual private server located in ORACLE's Swiss Data Center. The result is significantly higher reliability and service continuity.


You can contact me using:

XMPP: adminchatrix.one1
GitHub: ChatrixOne

  1. When contacting me on XMPP please don't just send a subscription request but start messaging me directly. I won't blindly accept subscription requests from strangers.